Verse of the Day

Friday, June 23, 2006

40 hours!!! My Maximum!

Well at last.... I could sleep! I was awake more that 40 hours on a stretch! I have never done that before. Never have I fought my eyelids with such great fury. The would not give up so easily! Every second was longer than the longest of centuries when my eyes were open, and every second was shorter than the shortest unit of time divided by a trillion raise to trillion, when my eyes were closed!

My war with the demons of sleep raged on, as I sat on my comp, looking for errors in our programs and jobs (mainfram jargon). The sun crawled above my head from east to west and then above the heads of my family in far away India. But what was it to me. It didnt matter where the Sun or the moon was. It didnt matter whether if was getting empowered by energy rays from saturn or some stupid asteroid blocked them by coming between Saturn & me (as bejan daruwala would put it), it didnt matter if posiedon was proved to be a colapsed star that would soon suck up the whole solar system into it. All that mattered was my package, and the question ..."When would we able to freeze it?"

Now that it is frozen, the shivers run through my spine faster than they ever had before. All that stands between me and a production abend is a comma or a dot that managed to squeeze through our large walls of Jscans that we built acround our components. Just one 'dot' could inflict huge amounts of pain in the 'other world'. One abend, and people would say... '&(*#*)()*#(!!!! !!!!!!

..... silence.....
.... more silence...
...silence breaks (My team lead was around!)

Just writing this blog as i review some 'SSR's (JSMJ (Just some mainframe jargon)) and some PRC's. And as i do this, I think to myself....

' ... Is this what I want to be doing the rest of my life?'

The question still hovers over my head like a bunch of charsi mosquitoes who think my blood is jack daniel's laced with ecstacy, heroine, charas, ganja and all the meth in the world.

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