Verse of the Day

Tuesday, July 04, 2006


He never valued me. He never had respect for me. I think I was Gods gift to him, but he never realized it.

I always knew Fred. Don’t remember from when, but I know I always knew him. I always looked up to him. And I was faithful to him. Always faithful. But he took me for granted. He never knew how important I was to him. I still remember those days I spent with him. Always by his side, attached to him faithfully. Always there to obey any of the commands that he would give. Never have I disobeyed him.

At a young age, I loved writing for him. It was so difficult for me. But i did. I struggled and my handwriting was wobbly. I had never done it before. So i decided to learn. I couldn’t disobey him, could I? As he grew older, i was with him in everything he did. In fact he never did anything without me. He was my best friend. But i don’t think I was his.

His prayers looked like prayers because of me. Without me and my brother, no-one could say he was praying. I helped him play baseball better than all the boys in class. My strength was his strength. And we were the best in class. No one could beat us at any sport. That is why Fred was so famous in school.

When he went to high school & college, I stuck to him. Fred was more into sports than studies. He needed me. I knew that. But he always thought that he was doing everything on his strength. He never remembered God. He never remembered that all that he could do was because of Gods grace on him. Because of Gods gifts to him. Gifts like me...

Then Fred got into bad company. He started going the wrong way, and made me do things i didn’t want to do. But I had to do it. I had to obey Fred. I couldn’t say no to him, because of what I was to him. God had created me to serve Fred. And when he wanted to smoke, it was I who helped him. I helped him drink and do all the wrong things he did. I myself was helpless. I only prayed that God give him wisdom to realize what he was doing. I only wanted the best for Fred.

When I look at Fred now, i am devastated. I have never seen him without me. All my life I was with him. He lies there unconscious before me on the road and I cannot do anything to help him. I am dying, because I am helpless without him. I cannot do anything without Fred. I was a part of him. He drove the car too fast, and the crash snapped me off from Fred. How I wish he had gone slow.

Oh, I ache so much. I know I am going. There is hardly any blood left in me... Fred will survive though. He can survive without me. But me, separated from him. No...

It was great being Fred’s hand. He took good care of me, and I tried my best to serve him. The only mistake he committed is he didn’t realize what I was to him. He didn't realize that I was Gods gift to him. ... Never thanked God for me.

... But now that he doesn’t have me, he will value me. ....He will. He will know what it is to live without a Hand. He will...

Moral: Some things turn invaluable only after you lose them.


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