Verse of the Day

Sunday, July 09, 2006

A Dark Cloud in Soccer History...

How could this Happen? No, it cannot! How could Zizou do such a thing?! It was just too shocking! He just cant! My mind doesnt accept it, nor does my heart! But the world around me does. The media does, the television does! The refree did!Zizou did that ugly thing? Zizou got red carded in the Soccer World Cup Finals??!! How could this happen?

It has been a dark day for france and for Soccer. Such a legendary player falling to that level. Just unacceptable. I feeling still hasnt sunk in, two hours after I watched it live on TV. I dont think it will sink in even after a couple of decades. This is not what was supposed to happen. Zidane was to end his career on a glorious note. And it happened in the second overtime, just a few minutes before the end! France could have won!

It happened, and Zinedine Zidane fans, from all over the world are under a huge cloud of sorrow. It will take long to clear. It will...

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I still wonder why...

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