Verse of the Day

Monday, July 07, 2008

70 : 30 , the ratio of foolishness to sanity in our education System

The education board came out with an extremely absurd rule (in the context of our city) over the weekend. That 70% of the seats in a college would be reserved just for the people staying in the zone of the college (i.e. in and around the college) and 30% would be reserved for the students from out of the Zone. This is the most absurd and ridiculous rule that I have seen made by any institution/board for a long time. It surely shows how adept and smart the people running our education system are.

First of all I cannot comprehend why these guys came up with this rule? Isnt the existing reservation for the schedule casts & tribes enough that a new dimension to reservation is trying to be put in place. There doesn't seem any visible advantage for doing this in a place like India. For eg. a zone in the central suburbs of mumbai stretches from Mulund to Sion. Now there are top class colleges like MCC & Kelkar college in Mulund, and other colleges like DAV, Menon, National in Bhandup, Vikas in Vikhroli, Somaya & RJ college in ghatkopar/vidyavihar & SIES in Sion. This covers almost all the major colleges in the central suburbs. But these have been the main colleges for the students from Thane & beyond also. A student from Thane who lives a stones throw distance from MCC in mulund will be at a disadvantage to a student from Sion who lives miles away. And beyond the border of thane, there are hardly any colleges of repute.

What does a student from Thane do in this case. The first list at MCC for commerce closed at 581. The second list closed at 580 for the 30% and at 573 for the remaining 70%. In this highly competitive era, a mark here or there can make or break a students college aspirations.

If the board wants to ape the west and come up with such rules, then there should be an even distribution of colleges across the city & zones. A parity should be maintained in the quality of the colleges across zones. Only then does it make sense to introduce such a rule in a setting like ours. Let us hope that the people in control would understand this soon & act upon the same quickly.

Friday, July 04, 2008

living Green

Have you ever felt the freshness of vivid Green, through a thin curtain of translucent white?

The drizzle made the fresh green play ground look even more refreshing. The cold spray on my face washed away my weariness. The Godrej Colony truly is beautiful. I should be grateful to God, that I have had an opportunity to stay here.

Thursday, July 03, 2008

The same 24 hours

Right now there are a million things on my mind and my to-do list. So many things/people to catch up with, pending stuff to be done, self-set standards to scale up to, things to learn, posts to blog, exams to study for! How I wish every day had more than the standard 24 hours there are today. How I wish I could use the 24 hours that I already have better.

Even the most successful people on earth had only 24 hrs in a day. If Mother Tereza, Mandela, Gandhi, Gates, Federer, Tendulkar, Archer, Tolkein could achieve what they have in just sets of 24 hour days, there is no reason why I should not be able to get something even worth 1/10th of what they got done.